
This is an example of how to allow others to create and update simple content without having to use EverWeb. Site owners can update a newsletter or item info without any knowledge of HTML.

This HTML file was created with the freeware word processor Bean

Create the text document

Insert an image if required using the "Picture" tab in the menu bar

Save as .txt or .rtfd

From the Bean File drop down menu, choose

Export -> to HTML with Styles

Give the resulting folder a suitable name and drag the image into it from the Finder

Upload this folder to a suitable location on the server and reference it in an iframe code on the EverWeb page where it is to appear using an absolute or relative file path

To refresh the content, change the text and image if required, export as HTML and upload the index.html file and the image to the folder on the server to replace the original.

When the web page is refreshed, the new content will appear in the iframe.