Styled Heading

Styled Text Box

The HTML heading at the top of this page can be set up as an h1 through h4 and use either a web safe font or non web safe or Google hosted font with a web safe fallback.
In unstyled mode, the heading has controls to adjust the font size, color, text align, style weight, line height and padding.
Checking a box adds options for background color with opacity adjust, text shadow color, distance X & Y and shadow radius. The container can be styled with border, border radius and box shadow.
Text Box
This text box can be made responsive by checking the Full Width box in the Metrics inspector and setting a maximum width.
Since it is in an HTML5 container, the optional heading is an h1.
The font used can be web safe or non web safe with a web safe fallback. If a non websafe font is used, it's better to use a Google hosted on although self hosted is an option for those who know how to do this.
The heading size, style, weight, align and letter spacing can be adjusted.
The paragraph text has controls for adjusting the font size, text align and line height.
The background color can be set and the opacity adjusted.
The container can be set up as an HTML5 article, aside or section with controls for adjusting the overall padding, border, border radius and box shadow.
Text Content
Note that text is entered into widgets as HTML. Find out about this in the Info Section
To create hyperlinks which are suitable for touch device users, links can be set up with a styled background and extra padding to make them an easier target for fingertips.
The controls are for color, hover color, background and opacity, hover background, text decoration, border radius and padding. It is recommended that the link top/bottom padding is set to no less than 3px. Note that the text line height should be adjusted accordingly.
See the Hyperlinks info page for how to set up hyperlinks and get them to open in a new window if required.

EverWeb Widgets