EverWeb Widgets

Responsive Audio & Video

Album and/or Artist Name

Kerri Watt - Old School Love
Kerri Watt - Old School Love
Don't Think Twice
Jealous Guy
Jealous Guy
Kerri Watt - You
Kerri Watt - You

© Copyright Info - 2018

Audio MP3 Player Modules

An audio MP3 player for a responsive website needs special consideration since standard players like the EverWeb default one are pretty much uselss. They need to prevent the audio file from downloading on page load and have a large play/pause button like most modern videos players which is an easy target for fingertips.
Since some EverWeb users think that a progress bar is needed, this one shows loading and progress in the border around the button.
The widget can have anywhere between 1 and 48 audio players and the number per row on the various devices can be set.
Each module has an image, an overlay caption which can be styled for font, size color and background color and its opacity and the player button. The images can have a border if required as shown in this example.
There is an optional heading for album and/or artist info at the top and a copyright notice field at the bottom. In this example, a Google hosted font is used with a web safe fallback.
The spacing between the modules can be adjusted and the background has an opacity control.
The widget can be vertically spaced away from the items above and below it.
All the images need to have the same aspect ratio and should be cropped to the maximum size that they will appear on the web page before importing into EverWeb. An image width of around 360 to 400 px should suit most applications.
If background images are not required, take a screenshot of a background - solid or gradient - and crop it to the required size. Add it to the widget's Assets List as many times as required.

Responsive MP4 Video JS Player

The responsive video player is centered in the browser with a maximum width setting equal to the width of the video file for best results. The player is prevented from preloading and shows a poster image on page load.
The VideoJS scripts are used to create the player to give a uniform appearance in all browsers and additional scripts allow the initial volume to be set and one player to pause when another is played when two or more are inserted on the page.
The is a "playsinline" control for preventing the video from opening at full screen on iPhones which gives a better user experience.
The video play button and the control bar have options for setting their primary color.
The background has an opacity control and the widget can be vertically spaced away from the items above and below it.
Poster Image
The poster image must have the same aspect ratio as the video file and should be cropped to the same as the maximum width setting before being imported into EverWeb.
Although autoplay should never be used on a page that will be downloaded using mobile devices, the options for autoplay, loop, preload and fullscreen are there for those who think they know better.
NOTE: The latest version of Safari will not autoplay video unless the shound track has been muted. A control is provided for this purpose.
Text Description
The widget has a heading for the video title and text for a description. Although these are an option, they are essential if you want to give the search engines a chance to index it since a video without keywords may as well not exist as far as they are concerned.

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