EverWeb Widgets

Video Widgets

Insert responsive MP4 video, Vimeo and YouTube with extra functions and much better SEO.
Click any widget icon to see the demo …

Big Video

The MP4 Video fills the screen when viewed on computers and has an optional heading and a play/pause instruction on hover.
On touch devices, the video switches to responsive width and height and the heading slides below the video container. There are checkboxes for turning on/off the video control bar, plays inline, muted, autoplay and loop.

Big Vimeo

The Vimeo Video fills the screen when viewed on computers and has an optional heading and a play/pause instruction on hover.
On touch devices, the video switches to responsive width and height and the heading slides below the video container. There are checkboxes to allow fullscreen and to play inline on iPhones.

Big YouTube

The YouTube Video fills the screen when viewed on computers and has an optional heading and a play/pause instruction on hover.
On touch devices, the video switches to responsive width and height and the heading slides below the video container. There are checkboxes to show controls and to play inline on iPhones and a box for entering a start time.

MP4 Video

The widget prevents the video file from downloading and shows a poster image on load. There is an option for a descriptive caption.
There are checkboxes to show controls, play inline on iPhones, show fullscreen control, autoplay, auto pause and to set the initial volume.


The main feature of this video player is the ability to pause a Vimeo video when another is played or it is scrolled out of view.
The widget only requires the Vimeo ID - not the full URL.
There are checkboxes for turning on autoplay and to show the fullscreen button.


This player has the ability to pause a YouTube video when another is played. The container can be styled and there is an option to add a caption.
There are checkboxes for turning on auto pause, autoplay and to show the fullscreen button. The video start time can also be set.

Video Stage

The widget creates of a full width background image with a transparent overlay. The height is set to 100vh which means that it fills the browser or device window on page load.
The headings and the MP4 video animate in. The animation direction, delay and time can be set for each item and the overlay.

Vimeo Stage

The widget creates of a full width background image with a transparent overlay. The height is set to 100vh which means that it fills the browser or device window on page load.
The headings and the Vimeo video animate in. The animation direction, delay and time can be set for each item and the overlay.

YouTube Stage

The widget creates of a full width background image with a transparent overlay. The height is set to 100vh which means that it fills the browser or device window on page load.
The headings and the YouTube video animate in. The animation direction, delay and time can be set for each item and the overlay.

MP4 Video Wrap

The widget inserts an MP4 video with a percentage width so that the heading and text can wrap around it when viewed on wider screens . When viewed on mobile devices, the video becomes full width.
There are options to add a CTA style link and break point at which the layout changes can be varied. There is an option to add a border to the video player if required.

Vimeo Wrap

This widget has the same functions as the MP4 version except it displays a Vimeo video.

YouTube Wrap

This widget has the same functions as the MP4 version except it displays a YouTube video.

Background MP4 Video

The widget inserts an MP4 video into the background to fill the browser or device window. The video is set yo autoplay by default and has a loop function. The video is muted by default to allow autoplay in Safari for computer and mobile.
There is an optional Play/Pause button which can be placed anywhere and has several styling options.

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