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ThemeKit Price Grid
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Price Comparison Grid
The ThemeKit Price Grid widget adds a few design features to the price items with superscript for the currency, a span for the time period and a hover animation when viewed on computers.
The CSS grid layout can have two, three or four items. When there are three items, checking a box allows the last item to center itself on screen widths below the break point. On phones in portrait mode the items stack vertically.
Each item has a header with heading, a price with spans, a list for anywhere between two and eight items and a link.
The price has a superscript span befor the price and a span after it to indicate the time period. The font size of the superscript and span text is calculated in the CSS to be half the size of the price text.
The list items have a choice of markers which have their own controls for size, color and spacing. The choice is asterisk, checkmark, heavy checkmark, circle, disc, solid square, square, star, X and heavy X.
The link can be configured to open internal or external pages and has a new window option and an animated hover background.
Follow the link below to find out how to configure internal and external links using relative and absolute file paths …