EverWeb Widgets

Accordion Gallery

Accordion Gallery

Accordion Galery

One of the problems with image galleries is that there is rarely any text description of the gallery - what its theme is and what the images depict.
This optional text section can be used to describe the gallery for the visitors and the search engines.


The ThemeKit Accordion Gallery widget canbe used when more than one gallery is required on a page or to save space.
The accordion is open for editing on the EverWeb design canvas and is closed prior to publishing.
When two or more accordions are inserted on a page, the open one closes when another is selected. The first one could be left open on page load. to give the page design more visual appeal.

Gallery Info

Lightbox Gallery

Most of the image galleries use the same very efficient lightbox gallery with some or all of the following controls …

  • The caption inherits the font used for the gallery grid and can be non web safe or Google hosted with a web safe fallback font
  • The captions have controls for font size and color
  • The font color is also used for the slide counter, directional arrows and the "close" tab
  • The lightbox is closed using the "close" tab or clicking/tapping anywhere outside of the image
  • The caption position can be overlay at the top or bottom of the image or outside at the image at the bottom
  • The caption animates in to make it more noticeable and there is a control for setting the delay in milliseconds
  • The transition can be slide or fade and the transition time is set in milliseconds
  • A checkbox to show/hide the slide counter
  • The lightbox overlay can be hidden if required
  • There is an option to disable right click to help prevent visitors from downloading the slide imagse
  • The slide images are lazy loaded by default
  • There is an option to preload the previous and next image so that there is little or no delay as the slideshow is navigated
  • Images with extreme aspect ratios can be fitted in using the controls for height and width ratio
  • When the ratios are adjusted there is a checkbox to scale the image to the ratio
  • Slides are navigated using the directional arrows or grab and drag on computers
  • Slides can be navigated by swiping on mobile touch devices
  • The directional arrows can be remove on mobile devices by checking a box and setting the required breakpoint
  • Some sliders have the option to change the color and opacity of the lightbox overlay
  • The slideshow is responsive up to the maximum width of the image file
  • Lazy loading gallery images
  • Thumbnail grid images are lazy loaded where possible for much better performance in the browsers