EverWeb Widgets

Random Image Slideshow

The widget creates a stage which displays images with varying aspect ratio and has options for autoplay and captions. It swipes on touch devices and has a full screen control.
Slideshow Stage
The slideshow stage is responsive with a maximum width setting and an adjustable background color. The ratio of the stage can be adjusted to suit aspect ratio of the slides. A ratio of 1 will create a square, less than 1 will suit portrait images and more than 1 for landscape images.
Slide View
The view options are contain which is the default, cover which increases each image in size to fill the stage and scale down to fit an image which is too large.
There are options to show/hide the directional arrows, to change transition time and switch the type from fade to slide.
Autoplay is turned on by setting a slide time in millisecinds and there is on option for the visitor to turn off autoplay using click on a computer or tap on mobile.
Turning on the Shuffle control will play the images in a random sequence.
Captions are optional and have controls for font, fallback font, font size, color and the background color and its opacity.

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