Responsive Hero Switch Widget

Responsive Hero Switch Widget
Optional Heading | Caption | Animation

Hero Image Switch To Responsive

The hero image has become the de facto item to have as an attention grabber - especially on the home page. Since a hero image has responsive width and a fixed height, it works really well when displayed on a computer but not so much on tablets and phones.
As the browser/device window width decreases, the image remains centered and the left and right sides of it begin to disappear.
This widget overcomes the problem by switching the image from a hero on computers to a fully responsive image on mobile devices.
If viewing this page on a computer, reduce the browser width to see the change.
It loads three different sizes of the image - one for each device type - so that the page will download faster on mobile devices than if only one image was used.
The images are inserted in an HTML5 <picture> element with media queries to change the file at the different browser/device widths. The widget includes a polyfill for ancient browsers that don't support the <picture> tag.
The main advantage of inserting the image using an <img> tag - rather than as the background of a div - is that it can have an alt attribute to insert keywords for the search engines.
The images are inserted in an HTML5 <figure> element. This allows the caption to be inserted via a <figcaption> element so that the search engines can related the text in the caption to the image.
There is an option for a header overlay at the top and a caption at the bottom. These can animate in on page load if required using the controls for animation time and delay.


The Hero Switch Navigation widget creates an inline navigation when viewed on computers and switches to a hamburger drop down on mobile devices.
If viewing this page on a computer, reduce the browser width to see the navigation switch from one type to the other.
It can have up to fourteen links. The last two links can be configured to open external pages and in a new window if required.
The navigation is designed to be used in conjunction with a hero image or other full width item. It can appear above or below or overlay the top or the bottom of the item. For an overlay, the navigation is placed below the hero image on the EverWeb design canvas and then the appropriate box in the widget settings is checked to place it in the required overlay position when viewed in the browser.
Current Page
The widget has an option to display the current page tab in a different color and also to add an animated underline to it.

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