Clam Chowder
The row can have 2, 3 or 4 items.
When there are three items the last on aligns itself in the center of row 2 below the first break point.
The row can have 2, 3 or 4 items.
When there are three items the last on aligns itself in the center of row 2 below the first break point.
Each item has a heading and text and options for an image with alt text, CTA style link bar and a price span.
The price container can be round or oval and can be inserted partially outside the container.
Today's Specials …
The ThemeKit Rollo Text widget has a two column grid layout with the fixed text in column one and the animated text in column two.
The animated text has its own controls for font size and color. Alternate items can have a different color.
The animated text items can be configured as links if required.
The animation has controls for setting the display time and the transition time - set in milliseconds.
The graphic column has four square images with options for captions and links. The captions and links can appear on hover.
Each image has its own controlsfor animation type, time and delay.
Two images with optional captions and links can animate in on scroll into the view.
Text block with heading, optional span, text and an optional internal/external link.
The relative column widths can be adjusted, the layout switched and the text can appear above or below the image on device screen widths less than the breakpoint.
When the images are configured as links an icon appears at the top right.
The optional captions and icons can apear on hover.
The optional CTA (call to action) style link shown here can open internal or external pages and has a new window option.AnimationThe image animation is applied to the individual images. The animation can occur once or every time the tem enters the viewport.
There are 15 animation types and the time and delay are set in milliseconds.
Items like popups and autoplay will drive more visitors away than they will attract. A smooth slide in note after a respectable delay is a much less irritating way to draw a visitor's attention to a special offer or "must have" offer.
The note has a heading, text and a close action tab and an optional internal/external link. It can slide in from the left or right with the animation time set in milliseconds and the delay in seconds.
Free soup of the day or fruit juice with a regular main course.