ThemeKit Bistro

Bistro Info

ThemeKit Bistro

99 West Clyde Way,
Helensburgh G88 7BC


8am to 5pm


8am to 5pm


8am to 5pm


8am to 9pm


8am to 11pm


8am to 11pm


9am to 1pm

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Bistro Background

All the widgets on this page have their background opacity set to zero. The browser/device window background is created with the ThemeKit Bistro Background widget.
The gradient background has two colors with opacity sliders. The gradient angle is 90° and can be switched to -90° (270°) by checking a box.
Image Background
A full size image background should NOT be used on a responsive website. The size of the image is far too big for downloading on mobile devices.
The background widget inserts three sizes of images for the various devices to fill the browser/device window viewport rather than the browser background. This results in better quality using a smaller image.
Image Size
The images should be sized to about 1200 x 800px, 720 x 480px and 375 x 640px and optimised before importing into EverWeb.

Footer Bar

There doesn't seem to be any good reason why most websites have a large, unsightly footer stuffed with hard to find and read info.
There is no rule that says a footer is essential and it doesn't make sense for a responsive website where these giant footers just take up a lot of space and are pretty much useless.
Enter The Footer Bar …
The ThemeKit Bistro Footer Bar widget can either supplement a footer or replace it entirely. It sticks to the bottom of the browser/device window, disappears on scroll down and reappears on scroll up or when the bottom of the page is reached.
The first item is a link to the home page by default. The icon can be changed and the link configured to open any page of the site,
The phone function animates in a tooltip with the phone text on hover. On mobile phones the tooltip is hidden and tapping the phone icon places the call.
The spam protected email function has a field for the email subject and the smooth scroll to the top function has a control for setting the scfroll time in milliseconds.

Bistro Home