Hero Images
Nowadays, it seems almost obligatory that the home page of any website should have a hero image. To raise a page design above the masses requires something unique.
The image above is litterally "cutting edge" in that its design was inspired by the action of that murderous instrument.
The background image is inserted in two sizes using the HTML5 <picture> element and the foregrounf consists of two polygon shapes created using CSS clip-path. The animated top image is also inserted in two sizes using media queries as the background of the polygons. Then it's just a question of animating each one in from different directions.
The overlay animates in last and has options for a heading, caption and link. The overlay has a grid layout with three columns and three rows.
The position of the items is set by defining their column start, column span and row.
The ThemeKit Hero Layer widget shown below has a background image inserted in two sizes and a foreground image and text block.
Custom Animation
To allow variation, each overlay item has controls for animation time, type and delay. The types are …
In | Left | Down | Right | Up | Bounce | Rotate | Scale | SpinNOTE: These are custom animations built in to the widget for greater efficiency. They do NOT use the EverWeb default animations which are not really suitable for use on pages that will be displayed on mobile devices.