EverWeb Widgets

Image Contact Form

Contact Form Psychology

Getting website visitors to give up their info is a tricky business. Always keep form fields to a minimum and NEVER use recaptcha.
Inserting an image of the person who is being contacted goes a long way to helping people to trust you and your website.
The widget can insert one or two images which have controls for size, spacing and border width and color.
The text section has a heading and text for explaining all the benenefits of filling out and sending the form.
Contact Form
The form has a two column layout. On browser/device screen widths above the break point the fields occupy a single column. The optional text area and the submit botton span both columns.
On screen widths below the breakpoint all the items span both columns to give extra width to the fields when viewed on phones.
The layout is clean and stylish and uses placeholder names in the form fields rather than messy labels.
Both the form and the field background colors have an opacity slider.

ThemeKit Grid Image FormThemeKit Grid Image Form [2]


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Footer Contact Form

If contact info is required on every page of the website, this widget should fit the bill. It has all the same features as the form above but without the images.
The first item is a toolbar with a spam protected email function and a smooth scroll to the top. The toolbar has three columns and the center column can be used for either a logo link or for a phone number that switches to a phone icon on mobile phones that places the call when tapped.
The icons are inline SVGs so their color and hover color can be changed.
The logo has a control for width and the link is an internal one - usually to the home page.
© Notice
This appears below the form has has the option of automatically inserting and updating the copyright year.

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