EverWeb Widgets

ThemeKit Content Auto Grid

ThemeKit content grid 1


Auto Grid

A grid layout using the min-max function and the auto-fill keyword to create a responsive grid without using media queries.

ThemeKit content grid 2


Grid Gap

Items in the grid can be spaced out evenly giving a value to the grid-gap property.
The grid-column-gap and grid-row gap properties can be used if the columns and rows need different spacing.

Text Grid
ThemeKit content grid 3

Vertical Align

Grid items are aligned vertically using the align-items property, The default value is "auto" which makes all the grid item heights equal despite varying content.

Icon Grid
ThemeKit content grid 4

Horizontal Align

Grid items are aligned horizontally using the justify-items property.

Lightbox Grid
ThemeKit content grid 5


Flex v Grid

Grid is a lot more versatile than flex but there are situations where it can be combined with grid.

Image Grid
ThemeKit content grid 6

Link Position

The links are positioned at the bottom of the grid item very simply by using flex and auto margins.


Auto Grid

The CSS Grid Layout Module has made all these responsive grid layout like Bootstrap redundant. The module can create grids with just a few lines of CSS and no Javascript.
The auto grid is even more efficient in that it can change the number of items per row based on browser/device screen width without having to use media queries.
It's only necessary to set a minimum width for the grid items and, combined with the auto-fill keyword, everything just works!
Content Grid
The grid shown here has images with alt text, a heading, an optional span, text and an optional link It can have up to 48 items.
The grid rows maintain equal height despite varying content and the links line up at the bottom.
The links can open internal or external pages and have a new window option. They can be styled as standard links, CTA links with a solid background or CTA links with a border.