ThemeKit M1 Popup Windows
Content for pages viewed on a smart phone should be kept as concise as possible. Many content items can benefit from being offscreen on page load so that the visitor can open them if they want to rather than being forced to scroll past items they are not interested in.
Lightbox items are ideal for optional content and should be considered for extra content with special offers, video, map, a larger version of a thumbnail image, contact form and slideshows.
Control Bar
The full width bar has a content area with a text description and an action tab to open the lightbox. The content area has its own controls for maximum width, font, fallback font, font size, color and for the background color and its opacity.
The action tab "open" icon is an SVG so its color and hover color can be adjusted.
The lightbox overlay has controls for setting the background color and its opacity and for the color of the "close" icon.
The lightbox can be closed by clicking the icon or the lightbox window overlay.
Lazy Loading
As far as Mobile First design is concerned the most important function of these widgets is that - unlike most items of this type - they lazy load the content. Many web designers don't seem to realise that content like YouTube video, Google Maps and so on download at page load even if the visitor doesn;t want to see them!
These widgets prevent the content from downloading until the visitor opens the lightbox. This results in much faster page download in the browser.