ThemeKit Reveal On Hover

ThemeKit Reveal Slider [1]

ThemeKit Reveal Slider

ThemeKit Reveal Slider [2]

Manual or Autoplay

ThemeKit Reveal Slider [3]

Animate Left or Right

ThemeKit Reveal Slider [4]

Optional Links


Reveal Slider

The slider is full width, fixed height when viewed on computers and becomes fully responsive on tablets and phones.
The 50% animated overlay can animate in from the left or right. The angle can be varied from approximately 45° left through vertical to 45° right using a slider. The background color has an opacity slider which can be set to zero if the overlay is not required.
There is a caption and an option to add a link. These items have a control to place them top, center or bottom by row number - 1, 2 or 3.
Both items can have a background with variable opacity if used without the overlay.
Each item has global controls for animation time and delay in seconds. The animation direction can be set on a per slide basis. For example the link could animate in from the left and the caption from the right.
The slideshow options are show/hide arrows, hide on tablet, hide on phone, transition time, autoplay and pause on hover.

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Mon - Fri: 8am to 6pm
Sat - 9am - 5pm
Sun - by appointment

EverWeb Widgets

1200 Industrial Way,
Unit 231
NZ 500913

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