Stack Hero
Start off an image stack using this hero with optional animated article.
Start off an image stack using this hero with optional animated article.
The responsive stack widgets use the CSS3 position sticky to make them scroll up and stcik at the top of the browser/device window and allow the content below to slide over them.
There are widgets for creating a hero item to be placed at the top of the page, an image with caption and optional link and an article with an optional image and a text block.
This item is the ThemeKit RWD Stack Article with no image inserted to allow the text to span both columns.
The item below shows the same widget with the image in column one. The layout above the breakpoint can be switched and the text can appear above or below the image below the breakpoint.
The hero and the image widgets insert a smaller image for mobile devices and all of them have the option to lazy load the images for better download performance on mobile devices.
Stack Image
The stack image widget has a caption that can be align top center or bottom and left, cebter or right.
The image can be configured as an internal or external link and this has a new window option.
When the link is present an iocn appears at the top right. Both the icon and the caption can appear on hover when viewed on computers.
A two column grid with an image and a text block containing a heading, text and an optional link.
The relative column widths are adjustable and the layout can be switched.
The link chevron animation is optional