Code Insert

ThemeKit UI Code Insert

Although EverWeb has the HTML Snippet widget for inserting raaw code its functions are limited and isn't very user friendly for those who need to enter anything beyond a basic item.

Code Entry

The ThemeKit UI Code Entry widget has the following …

  • A large feels for entering HTML
  • A field for entering Head Code
  • 3 A field for entering Meta Data
  • Controls for entering and using a Google hosted font
  • Item is centered with a checkbox and field for entering the max width
  • Checkboxes & Choose tabs for inserting one or two external stylesheets
  • A large field for entering internal styles
  • Checkboxes & Choose tabs for inserting one or two external Javascripts
  • Checkbox & Choose tabs for inserting a deferred Javascript file
  • Field for entering Head Code
  • Field for entering footer code just before the closing body tab

Code Insert Example

Page Speed Insights

Data Type

Desktop Score Interact Time Mobile Score Interact Time

EverWeb App

57 6.2s 50 31.0s

EverWeb RWD

98 0.7 92 2.4s

EverWeb Media

99 0.7s 94 2.3s


The item above is a responsive comparison table created using the ThemeKit UI Code Insert widget.
Tables don't play well with a responsive page design and need to switch the layout to something more functional on small mobile device screen.
The table demo switches to a single column below the breakpoint with the heade content inserted using a CSS ::before selector.