Responsive Website Essentials

Responsive Design

Design Essentials

There are a number of important points to keep in mind while creating a responsive website with EverWeb …

  • Resize and optimise all images.
  • Insert images with a smaller size file for mobile devices
  • Lazy load images not in view immediately on page load
  • Reduce on load content by using offscreen elements
  • Avoid using image galleries with a thumbnail grid
  • Insert a separate mobile image file in slideshows
  • Sliders should lazy load both the main and mobile images
  • Insert MP4 video files in two sizes for computer & mobile
  • Avoid using hosted video such as YouTube
  • Hosted video - Vimeo, Wistia, YouTube - must be lazy loaded
  • Use vertical navigation rather than horizontal
  • Avoid horizontal main navigation - with or without drop downs
  • Avoid tightly packed rows of items
  • Use offsets, and white space to allow the layout to breathe
  • Include interactive elements to engage visitors
  • Never use autoplay for carousels and sliders
  • Use combo widgets rather than separate elements for better efficiency

Visitors only take a second or two to decide if they want to stay on a website and browse its content.
The home page needs to have a unique hero item to grab attention and one or more CTA (call to action) links to entice them to browse other pages.
* Test the home page *

Page Speed


Responsive Website Navigation

Choosing the best design for a responsive website's navigation menu is crtical and will depend on the website's size and purpose.
A horizontal navgagtion at the top of the page - with or without directory drop downs - is outdated and has proven to be ineffective at getting visitors to click through to other pages of the site.

Navugation Info

Follow the link below to find out more about responsive website navigation …
