ThemeKit UI

ThemeKit UI Flip Cards

ThemeKit UI Flip Card 1i
Flip Card


Lazy Load

Images have alt text, a caption and a lazy loading option.

Flip Image
ThemeKit UI Flip Card 2i
Backface Info



Heading, optional span, text and an optional link - internal/external.

Flip Article
ThemeKit UI Flip Card 3i
Flip Info


X or Y

Hover rotate 20° on computers width flip 180° X or Y on click/tap

Card Gallery

Flipping Multiple Items

The flip items on the preceding page - article amd image - have a click to show and click again to hide the backface.
When two or more items are inserted in a row or grid the amount of user insteraction required can be reduced a lot by clicking on another item to hide the backface of the previously vieweditem.
The ThemeKit UI Cardds widget can insert two, three or four items. The items can form a responsive row or be inserted as a 2 x 2 grid by inserting four items and selecting [2] for the number of items.
There are separate controls for adjusting the grid column gap and the row gap.


The items have …

  • An image with alt text & an overlay caption at the bottom
  • The images can be switched to lazy loading if not in view at page load.
  • The cards have controls for border width, color and radius
  • The backfire has a heading, optional styled span, text and an optional link
  • Links can be globally switched from opening internal to external pages
  • The flip rotation can be on the X or Y-axis
  • The hover swing angle on mouse over on computers can be adjusted


Like the other ThemeKit UI widgets the flip items use external, minified stylesheets to reduce the quantity on internal styles.
The Javascript to create the flip action uses a single line of custom code to improve performance on mobile devices.

Flip Grid

ThemeKit UI Flip Grid 1i
Flip Grid



CSS grid layout module with adjustable column gap.

Flip Image
ThemeKit UI Flip Grid 2i
Image Info


Lazy Load

Images have alt text, a caption and a lazy loading option.

Flip Article
ThemeKit UI Flip Grid 3i
Container Info

Front Face

Icon & Caption

Info icon, caption, controls for border with, color &a,p' radius.

Card Grid
ThemeKit UI Flip Grid 4i
Flip Info


X or Y

Hover rotate 20° on computers width flip 180° X or Y on click/tap.

Search Grid
ThemeKit UI Flip Grid 5i
Grid Info



Items per row set for each device type.

Image Grid
ThemeKit UI Flip Grid 6i


Price: £199.99

Hover rotate 20° on computers with flip 180° X or Y on click/tap.

Info Cards