ThemeKit UI Graffiti

EverWebWidgetsRock !


The ThemeKit UI Graffiti widget creates a haedline with one, two or three lines. The background can be a solid color, two color gradient or an image inserted in two sizes with a lazy load option.
The optional bottom shadow with z-index control will not be in view on the EverWeb design canvas.

Text Styles

The text lines have individual controls for color and text align and share the other controls for …

  • Font size & font size on mobile phones
  • Line height & line height on phones
  • Text stroke & text stroke color
  • Text shadow radius, blur & color
  • Letter spacing when the text shadow is present
  • Single control for transform rotate and skew


The headline text cab animate in with one control for animation time and a delay control for each line to stagger the animation.
More headlines …

Search Grid

The ThemeKit UI Search Grid has a header with an optional heading, search input box and a refresh function and a grid for listing the items.


The number of items per row for each vice type - computer, tablet landscap, tablet portrait and phone in portrait mode - can be set.
There are controls for the grid column gap and the grid row gap to adjust the item's spacing.