ThemeKit UI

ThemeKit UI Article Lap

Article Lap


The article has a heading, optional span for price/date etc, text and an optional internal/external link.
The overlap is created using a background linear gradient with a color to the left and transparency to the right.
Adjusting the percentage width of the transparent section adusts the overlap.
The layout can be switched and the image animation is optional.

Article Plus
ThemeKit UI Content Modal

Content Modal


The content modal has an optional lazy loading image with alt text, a heading, optional span, text and an optional internal link tabe.

Card Media
ThemeKit  UI Image Modal
Image in 3 Sizes

List Modal

The list has controls for setting all the default list style types, the font size, the list item line height and the list item inset.

  • List modal heading
  • List idesription
  • Styled list
  • Specifications desclaimer

* All specifications subject to change *

Video Title

Modal Toolbar


Modals can increase the amount of page content while reducing the quantity of on load content for the benefit of small mobile device users.
The ThemeKit UI Modal Toolbar creates a row of action tabs below a content item to add extra functions using minimal space.

Modal Styles

The modals have controls for adding a border and/or bottom box shadow to the modal item. There controls for the overlay background color andits opacity.
The modal can be closed by clicking/tapping the overlay or using theThe close tab at the top right which has controls for icon color and background.
NOTE: that all the media files are lazy loaded by ddefault.