ThemeKit UI
Gradient Heading

Gradient Headline

The ThemeKit Gradient Headline widget can have two or more lines with centered text on a solid color or two color gradient background. The text size and line height can be reduced for mobilr phones.
Color gradients in text use the CSS property "background-clip" set to "text" and the text-fill-color set to transparent".
The widget has controls for a two color gradient and an option for a third color.
Each has a control to selct the color and adjust the color stop.

Heading type

The widget creates h1 through h3 headings …

  • h1 is used for the website name
  • h2 is used for the page's subject hading
  • h3 us used to denote a section or change in subject

Bottom Shadow

Note that the optional bottom box shadow is not visible on the EverWeb design canvas, It has a z-index control to set its position in the stacking order above the item below.

ThemeKit UI Gallery

Show Less
Show More

ThemeKit UI Image Gallery

A ligtbox gallery launched from an image grid is not so good for a responsive website. Visitors using small mobile devices are forced to do a lot of scrolling.
Using a show more/ledd grid makes a lot more sense.

Grid Editing

All the thumbnail images can be seen on the EverWeb design canvas for editing by setting the number of items to show equal to the total number of items.

Lightbox Gallery

Clicking/tapping any thumbnail image opens a larger version in the lightbox slideshow. The images are responsive up to the maximum width of the actual image file.
The lightbox caption, controls, counter and close tab share the font selected for the grid captions but have their owb controls for font size, color and background color.

More Gallery Options

Check out the other options for replacing outdated image grid lightbox galleries with better designs for launching a responsive image lightbox slider …