Gradient Headline
The ThemeKit Gradient Headline widget can have two or more lines with centered text on a solid color or two color gradient background. The text size and line height can be reduced for mobilr phones.
Color gradients in text use the CSS property "background-clip" set to "text" and the text-fill-color set to transparent".
The widget has controls for a two color gradient and an option for a third color.
Each has a control to selct the color and adjust the color stop.
Heading type
The widget creates h1 through h3 headings …
- h1 is used for the website name
- h2 is used for the page's subject hading
- h3 us used to denote a section or change in subject
Bottom Shadow
Note that the optional bottom box shadow is not visible on the EverWeb design canvas, It has a z-index control to set its position in the stacking order above the item below.