ThemeKit UI


Responsive Navigation

Navigation has changed a lot over the years and the traditional type using a horizontal row of links - with or without drop downs - has proved to be ineffective on responsive web pages for encouraging visitors to click through to other pages of the site.

Larger Websites

Smaller sites up to about about 24 pages can use any type of menu with vertical links.
Medium sites of about 48 pages should show all the links arranged in columns in an overlay - even if it has directories.
Larger sites can use a filter navigation or have two vertical menus for sections and page links within the ssections.directories as shown on this page.


Breadcrumbs Trail

When a website has sections and/or directories visitors can get lost - especially if a dropdown naviagtion for dorectories/sections is used.
A breadcrumbs trail -at or near the top - becomes essential.


Checking a box will add the CSS position "sticky" so that the breadcrumbs navigation will scroll with the rest of the content and stick at a predetermined distance from the top.

Side Menu

Slide In Navigation

The ThemeKit UI Side Menu widget is versatile in that it can be used in combination with one of the other types since it can slide in from the left or right.


The navigation can be viewed on the EverWeb design canvas using the control for editing height. A checkbox hides it before publishing.

Section Navigation


The outdated menu with drop downs for directory content naviagtion has proven to be very ineffective and tends to confuse the visitor unless accompanied by a breadcrumb link bar.
Use a separate section/directory navigation is a much better option. Each section has the directory navigation and a separate menu with links to the pages in the directory plus a hone page link.


The navigation can be viewed on the EverWeb design canvas for editing using the control for editing height. A checkbox hides it before publishing.
It can be inserted as the lat item on the page and below the footer widget/footer bar widget if present..
