ThemeKit UI Poster SU

ThemeKit UI

Poster Slide Up

This optional HTML5 <article> has a heading, text, optional list, optional second heading and text and three optional links with one being an external link.
Note the custom markers for the list items below …

  • Optional list with 8 style types
  • Custom marker option
  • Controls for inset & line height
  • List font size control
  • Adjustable item spacing


The article has the option to overlap the bottom of the image. It can also animate up when in the viewport.
The animation has controls for rotate on the X-axis, translate Y and for the animation time and delay/



Most websites have a large footer packed with hard to read and find info. These footers add too much to the on load content for mobile devices and add a lot of unecessary scrolling.
If a footer is essential to the website design it needs to be well designed and is only really required on the home page,

Footer Alternative

To be considerate of mobile device users the footer should be replaced by a simple footer bar and all the pages of the site apart from perhaps the home page.