ThemeKit UI Gradient Hero

ThemeKit UI Hero

  • Pro Quality Widgets
  • Best Download Effciency
  • Cutting Edge Design

If your website doesn't score over 90 in Google's Page Insights you need EverWeb Responsive widgets.


The hero has an optional logo/lonk and a text block with a heading or a gradient heading, an optional list with custon markers and up to three links.
The image is inserted in three sizes for the various devices and has a lzy loading option.


The optional custom swing in animation has controls for animation time, delay, initial scale and direction - down, in or up.

Modal Row



Each item has an optional SVG icon, heading, styled span, text and an action tab to open the modal

ThemeKit UI Modal Row 2


Each modal content item has an option for a lazy loaded image, a heading, text and an optional link
The links can be configured globally to open internal or external pages.

Image Array



A grid with 2, 3 or 4 items in the row or a two column, two row grid by selecting to show 2 items and adding four.

ThemeKit UI Modal Row 1


The modals are centered with a a max width setting. When the content exceeds the viewing device's viewport height any overflow will scroll.

Image Grid



The modals inherit the styles set for the the unload modal rows items

ThemeKit UI Modal Row 3


The close tab has controls for icon color and background.
The overlay has controls for background color and its opacity

Responsive Images

Offscreen Content

Modals are usefull for geberating content that is offscreen on page load to reduce the amount of on load content for the benefit of small mobile device users.
The row can have two, three or four items or create a two column, two row grid.

SVG Icons

There are 100's of SVG icons linked to in the "Read me first&quo;t file on the widget download folder. SVG files can be opened with a code editor or in on a Mac. to copy and paste the code into the widget settings.
The icons have controls for icon size, padding, color, background color, border width and radius and a checkbox to make them round.

Modal Links

Directory/Section Navigation

The ThemeKit UI Modallinks can be used as an inle navigation to directories or sections of larger websites, The modal action tabs have vertically centered text with the number of lines varies. The have controls for min width and spacing.
The modals are close using the close tab or clicking/tapping the overlay


Modals are really usefull for adding lots of offscreen items to reduce the on load page content for the benefit of small mobile device users.