On Load
ItemsOn page load the items show a heading, an action icon and an image with alt text and a lazy loading option.
CardsThe ThemeKit UI Info Array has an active overlay on click or tap. This example shows the two column, two row grid option created by adding four items but selecting the number of items as two.
The grid can have two, three or four items. When 3 are present the last one is centered in row 2 below the breakpoint.
Items have a heading, lazy load image, styled span, text & a link globally switchable to internal or external.
The heading can have a gradient background and optional staggered animation with controls for time and delay.
The grid can have 2, 3 or 4 items.
When three are present the last one is centred in row 2 below the breakpoint.
The styled span is optional.
The links have a hover animation & can be globally switched from internal to external.
The SVG icons have controls for icon colours background, padding, border width, color and radius and a checkbox to make them round,
Headings can have a gradient background and animate.
The animation time is the same for each heading but the delay is staggered
A grid layout with two, three or four columns.
When three columns are present the last one is centered in row two below the breakpoint.
Each item has an animated heading, optional styled span, text and a link.
Links can be switched globally between internal & external.
The heading has a two column grid layout with the option for a letter or number prefix field with variable width.
It has controls for font size, color and background color.
The heading text can animate in when the array enters the viewport.
The animation duration is variable and the delay is set at 500ms milliseconds.
The delay is staggered by the interval set by the value for delay.
The ThemeKit UI Array widgets have a grid layout for 2, 3 0r 4items. A two column, two row grid can be created by setting the number of items to 2 and adding 4 items
The heading has an optional animtion with a control for animation duration. The animation delays are staggerd for a better visual experience.
The containers have controls for border width, ccolor and radius and for a bottom box shadow radius, spread and color.
The item spacing is adjusted using the column gap and row gap controls and the wrapper has controls for top, horizontal and bottom spacing.. The bottom spacing is increased to make room for the borttom box shadow.