ThemeKit UI

ThemeKit UI Swipe hero

Love The Look

Get The Turtle

Grab It Now

Swipe Hero

The ThemeKit UI Swipe Hero has a choice of two overlays - static and swipe over anaimation. The swipe can originate from the left or right,
The optional logo is at the top left with controls for width, margin, padding and background.
There is an h1 and an h2 heading which can be aligned left, center or right above the breakpoint.
The internal link can also be aligned left, center or right and has controls for background opacity and border width, xolor and radius.


The headings are in rows one and two respectively and have …

  • The font can be web safe or Google hosted with a web safe fallback
  • Common controls for text align, line height color, text shadow and letter spacing
  • Individual controls for the combo rotate /skew
  • Checkboxes to reverse the rotate/skew angle


The logo, h1, h2, link and the swipe overlay each have their own controls for animation time and delay in milliseconds and have a common control to turn on animation prior to publishing.

ThemeKit UI Drop Boxes


Drop boxes are usefull for adding extra info without taking up too much space and for reducing the amount of on load content.


The content area can be open for editing on the EverWeb design canvas. The whole header is the action tab and sveral can be stacked to work in unison.

ThemeKit UI Dropbox

ThemeKit UI Drop Box


Price: £235.00

The box has an option for an image, a heading, text, an optional list, more text and a link.

  • The image is inserted in two sizes for computer and mobile devices
  • Option to insert portrait image for phones
  • The images have a lazy loading option.
  • The list can have up to 48 items
  • The most used list style types are included
  • Adjustable list inset and item spacing

The item can be open for editing and several can be stacked to work in unison.
This is an optional paragraph. which can be followed by an internal/externallink.

More Info

ThemeKit UI dBox Scroller

ThemeKit dBox Scroller 1
Centered Caption
ThemeKit dBox Scroller 2
Lazy Loading
ThemeKit dBox Scroller 3
Mouse/Trackpad Scroll
ThemeKit dBox Scroller 4
Swipe on Mobile
ThemeKit dBox Scroller 5
Image Spacing Control
ThemeKit dBox Scroller 6
Scrollbar Styles

Image Scroller


The lazy loaded images with centered overlay captions should all have the same height but can have different widths.

ThemeKit UI dBox Video

MP4 Video

Video Files

The video is inserted in two sizes for computer and smaller mobile devices. The poster image must have the same aspect rstio as the video.
The video player can be centered with a maximum width setting.

ThemeKit UI dBox YouTube


Lazy Loading

The widget only requires the YouTube ID inserted. If the video format is not 16:9 the player can be resized by entering the video with and height.
The video player can be centered with a maximum width setting.

ThemeKit UI Specifications

Spec List

The box has a two column grid layout with the option of Zebra striping the list items.

  • Mixer

    Eight-channel USB mixer
  • OS

  • Bluetooth I/O

    2-way channel with Mix Minus technology
  • Output

    Mix to smartphones, tablet and DSLR cameras
  • Control

    Three control modes
  • EQ

    Onboard EQ & reverb
  • Headphones

    Output with level control
  • Mix Out

    Dual analog mix outputs
  • Talkback

    Built in microphone
  • Level

    AutoMix and Mix Agent technology
  • Design

    Compact and portable analog console design
  • Power

    USB-powered design

* All specifications subject to change *


The header/action tab has controls for the font size, sty;e, weight, uppercase. color, background color and for adding a border to the animated icon if required.


The wrapper has controls to add a solid color or two color gradient background. There are controls for top. left/right and bottom spacing. The bottom spacing is increased to accomodate the box shadow when present.