ThemeKit UI

Max Article

ThemeKit UI Max Article

Special Offer


ThemeKit UI Max

Normal Price: $1750

The ThemeKit UI Max wwidget creates a full width section with the image and the text area occupying equal width columns.
The image has a max height setting to control the height at wide browser widths.


Full Width Items

A responsive layout usually has the content centered with a maximum width setting of around 960 t0 1200px.
The main exception to this is the hero item which has full width and fixed height and requires the image to be inserted in three sizes for the various devices.
The ThemeKit UI Max is full width with an image and a text section,

Height Control

To prevent the item's height becoming too great at wide browser settings the container has a max height control.
The image in the examples is 720px in height so that is the value set for the max height.

ThemeKit UI Max Article

Special Offer


ThemeKit UI Max

Normal Price: $1750

The ThemeKit UI Max wwidget creates a full width section with the image and the text area occupying equal width columns.
The image has a max height setting to control the height at wide browser widths.

Article Plus

Info + FAG

Item Name

ThemeKit UI Accorion Info


The optional image is lazy loaded and is centered with a max width setting - in this case 800px. The text area has a heading, text with styled spans and an optional link

ThemeKit UI Accordion

Product Info

Content Panel

This panel is showing the optional image which has an alt text attribute and a lazy loading option.
Images are selected globally and inserted on a per panel basis.

Accordion Options


The accordion has a controls for setting the animation time in milliseconds.
All panels can be open for editing.
The first panel can be open on page load.
When auto close is selected any open panel will close when another is opened.


Pickups & ControlsCommon Styles

The accordion action tabs, the optional info section header and its optional link have common controls.
The info panel text and the accordion panels have the same controls for heading size, heading align, text size, text align, line height, item spacing, text color and background