LayoutThe responsive grid has controls for the number of items per for each device.
The responsive grid has controls for the number of items per for each device.
The images have an alt text attribute and a lazy loading option.
The items are globally configured as internal or external links.
The optional spans have their own controls for font size, color and text align.
Grid items have controls for spacing & for a border and/or box shadow.
The icons can show on hover if required & be styled for color and background.
The ThemeKit UI Photo Grid widget creates an image link grid with options to add a text block with a heading for the item name, an optional span for price/date etc and an option for a text description.
The items can be …
The grid column gap and the row gap can be adjusted and the number of items per rpw specified for each device type.
Follow the link below to see an alternate image grid design …