ThemeKit UI

On Scroll Animation

ThemeKit UI Display 1ThemeKit UI Display 2

ThemeKit UI Display

✱  Display Module
✱  On Scroll
✱  Scale Animation

Heading, optional span block, text and one two or three links with scale out on scroll animation.

ThemeKit UI Panel

ThemeKit UI Panel

Text Area


The text area has a heading, an optional styled span, description and one or two links - one internal and the other external.
The image is inserted in an HTML5 &ly;picture> element and is …

  • Inserted in two sizes for computer and smaller mobile dives
  • Alt text and optional last loading
  • Option for a border and/or a bottom box shadow
  • Control to to animate rotate on the X-axis
  • Perspective control vw - viewport width units - to add depth


The links are optional and have a background color hover animation. There are controls for link spacing and minimu width when both the internal and the external links are inserted.

ThemeKit UI Panel

Panel Content

Styled Span

In this example the header, text area with list and optional second heading and text area, is shown without image.
The optional list has

  • The list has a choice eight style types
  • Controls for list item font size and line height
  • Controls for list item font size and line height
  • Control for list item inset


The animation occurs smoothly on scroll rather than when the item enters the viewport.It is applied separtely to the header, the image and the text area,
There are controls to turn on the animation, set the initial scale and when the animation occurs - on enter, span or exit the viewport.

Content PanleMore Widgets …