Hero Clip
The hero image is inserted in three sizes for the various devices and has an overlay with two background colors and a control to vary the clip angle
The content is centered with a maximum width and has a heading, text and an internal link. The heading, text and link have a control to horixontally align them - left, center or right - above the breakpoint.
Therre is an option to add a logo/link at the top left if required. In this examplae it is replaced by using the ThemeKit UI Logo Header widget set to overlap the top of the hero.
Images for an item like this don't need much quality due to the overlay so they can have smaller files sizes than normal.
The images in the demo were resized and optimise before inporting into EverWeb to …
- Large Image: 960 × 640px - file size 190KB
- Medium Image: 720 × 480px - file size 120KB
- Phone Portrait Image: 375 x 540 ps - file size 75KB
- The images have a lazy load option
Clip Path
The overlay has two sections which have a polygon clip path to create the adjustable shape. Each section has its own control for background color and its opacity.
The angle at which the sections meet is adjusted using a slider control.