EverWeb Widgets

Random Gallery

Slide [1]
Captions are optional
Slide [2]
Captions align left, center or right
Slide [3]
Caption Font is Stint Ultra Expanded
Slide [4]
CSS Grid Layout
Slide [5]
Optional border/box shadow
Slide [6]
Images align vertically in the center

Random Image Gallery

The widget uses the CSS Grid Layout Module to create a thumbnail grid of random sized images. The grid can have the images align at the top, center - like the example - or bottom. They can have a border and/or a box shadow and the grid item spacing and all around padding is adjustable.
Captions are below the images and can run to two or more lines.
The number of items per row can be set for each device type and the thumbnail images can be lazy loaded.
Lightbox Slider
The slideshow image captions are derived from the thumbnail image's alt text. It has a slide counter and a close tab and the images are responsive up to the maximum width of the image file.