EverWeb Widgets

Vimeo Update

The older Vimeo widgets are kind of redundant in that a lot of the controls are not functional. The latest API (2018) doesn't allow much in the way of settings and the auto pause function doesn't work unless you have a Pro account.
This means that using Vimeo is not a as good an option as it used to be although it's much better than YouTube. Those who have their own video files would be better to insert them in an MP4 player.
For those who want to use Vimeo, this widgets offers a few more features than the EverWeb default widget. The main feature is the ability to pause a Vimeo video when another is played or it is scrolled out of view.

Responsive Vimeo- Auto Pause

Click to play and then scroll down

Responsive Container

The container is responsive width a maximum width setting and a percentage width slider. The container can have a border and/or a box shadow. When a box shadow is applied, the percentage width should be reduced to allow the shadow to be seen on mobile devices.
There is an optional caption which can be styled with a web safe or a Google hosted font and has controls for setting the font size, color, background, text-align and padding.
The caption should not really be regarded as an option and should contain keywords for the search engines as well as some info for the visitors.
The full width wrapper can be styled for background color and its opacity and vertical spacing from the items above and below.

Playing this video will pause the previous one

Vimeo Controls

The widget is set up for displaying a default 16:9 aspect ratio Vimeo video which is 560 X 315. If the video has a different aspect ratio, its file width and height should be entered in the boxes provided.
The widget only requires the Vimeo ID - not the full URL.
There are checkboxes for turning on autoplay and to show the fullscreen button.
Autoplaying video or sliders is not advisable on a page that will be viewed on mobile devices.

Playing this video and scroll up

Auto Pause

An auto pause function has been added using two jQuery plugons. These combine to pause a player when another is selected and to pause a player when it is scrolled out of the viewport.

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