EverWeb Widgets

Marketing Text/Image Hero

Responsive Marketing Hero Image Text

Text & Image Hero

Full width, fixed height container with image and text sections.
CTA Style link to external page with new window option.

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Responsive Marketing Hero Image Text


Image right and appears below the text on mobile devices.
Internal text link with options for "Apple" style chevron or double chevron.

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Marketing Text/Image Hero

The container is full width, fixed height with an image and a centered text block. When the image and text are viewed side by side on larger screens, the image has a fixed width. This width can be reduced for tablets in landscape mode.
When viewed on tablets in portrait mode or mobile phones, the image and text become full width and stack vertically.
The image can be place left or right and appear above or below the text on mobile devices.
The image should be cropped to the maximum width that it will be displayed at before importing into EverWeb. An image width of 960px is large enough for most purposes.
The heading and text have controls for adjusting the font size for normal and mobile. There is a maximum width control for limiting its width when required.
There is a control for adjusting the vertical spacing of the heading, text and link when present.
The link has two options for style - an "Apple" style text link with chevron or double chevron or a CTA style link. If only one chevron is required, delete one instance of "\203A" or delete both for no chevron.
The link can be configured to open internal or external pages and in a new window if required.

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