EverWeb Widgets

Text Lightboxes

Responsive Vimeo Lightbox Text

Vimeo Lightbox

The grid has 5 columns. The image is in grid column 1 and spans 2 column. Text is in grid column 3 and spans span 3 columns.
On phones, the image is in row 1 and the text in row 2.

Play Video
Lightbox Text Slider

Lightbox Slideshow

The grid has 4 columns. The image is in grid column 3 and spans 2 column. Text is in grid column 1 and spans span 2 columns.
On phones, the image is in row 1 and the text in row 2.

Responsive Lightbox Text YouTube

YouTube Video

A five column layout with the image spanning 3 columns, some padding and a box shadow.

Play Video
Responsive Google Map

Interactive Map

The static map image is useful for mobile phone users. The interactive map requires the address to be entered and the zoom level to be set.

Responsive Text MP4 Video Lightbox

MP4 Video

The lightbox MP4 video widget has controls for setting a border and the maximum width for the video.


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