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EverWeb Widgets Podcast

Podcast Toolbar

The Toolbar show below can be placed anywhere on the page and can overlay an item above it - like a hero image - by checking a box and adding transparency to the background.
It has links to the comments page, previous post, entries list, next post and a spam protected "Email Me" link.
The icons are SVGs so their size, color and hover color can be adjusted. The icon links can show a title on hover when the page is viewed on a computer.
The links are turned on individually using checkboxes and are configured to open internal pages.
The email link requires the name, domain and domain extension to be entered in separate boxes. The @ and period are inserted using javascript which defeats spammers using scraping software.
Download Link
A podcast episode that is longer than a few minutes should have a download link so that subscribers can listen at their leisure. The download link can reference a zip file in the EverWeb Assets list or in an external folder.
If the podcast is published to a server other than the EverWeb one, all the podcast MP3 and/or MP4 files - and their corresponding zip files - can be uploaded to a folder(s) on the server and referenced using relative file paths.

Podcast Comments

A successful podcast requires an engaged audience. Interaction with podcast subscribers encourages them to feel as though they belong to a group and are more likely to mention the podcast to others.
Comments Section
Disqus is a very well know comments engine and, best of all - it's free. It is really easy to set up and, using this widget, only requires the Disqus "shortname" to be entered. Signup for an account by clicking the "Disqus" link below.
The moderation tools are extensive and moderators can identify trolls, spammers, and other troublesome users and even create a blacklist.
Comments Widgets
The comments section can be styled with a border and/or a box shadow and there are controls for background color and padding.
The optional heading and text can use a web safe or Google hosted font. The wrapper background color has an opacity slider and controls for maximum width and padding.
Shortname & Page ID
The user shortname is entered in the widget settings and is required.
If the comments section is inserted on more than one - or all - of the pages, there are fields for entering the page URL and an ID. The ID lets the moderator know which page the comments are about. This ID can simply be the post title and date.


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EverWeb Widgets Podcast
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