ThemeKit Audio

Audio MP3

Most website audio MP3 players are really outdated and aren't suitable for responsive pages where the visitor may be using a mobile touch device.
The player shown here has been built from scratch with mobile users in mind. It is very efficient and uses a tiny Javascript to replace all these bloated scripts usually required for audio players.
As an example the files required for the EverWeb default audio player are 10 times the size and all the player control images need to download at page load.

ThemeKit AV MP3 Jukebox

ThemeKit AV MP3 Jukebox

Midnight Train

Railroad To Hell

Peace River

Back Of My Mind

Sad Lady Blues

Let Me In

Cosmic Traveler

Highway Of Dreams

© Roddy McKay - 2001


This player has a three column grid layout with the option to insert a main heading and an image with alt text behind the tracks. The background color opacity can be adjusted to show the image.
There is a dedicated play/pause function which is large enough to make it an easy target for a mobile device users.
The track title/artist name is in column two and can run to two or more lines.
The optional links in column three can open internal or external pages or files and have a new window option.
The links can be used as "buy" or "download" links. In this case they are configured to open the appropriate page on the Apple Music website.
There is a control to adjust the vertical spacing of the tracks if the separators aren't shown.
The optional separators have controls for percentage width and for line height, style and color. The styles are dashed, dotted, double and solid.
The last separator can be hidden if required.
The optional © notice is centered at the bottom of the player and has its own control for font size..

Audio Bar Player

The bar style player was create due to requests by EverWeb users for a player with an image. As can be seen from the examples a square image can be made round if required.

Audio Bar

This player has a two column grid layout with the image in one and the info in the other.
The play/pause function and the optional buy/download link are in a footer element which moves to row 2 on screen widths below the break point.
File Names
One of the main reasons for an audio track to fail is spaces or special charaters in the file name - the most common one being an apostrophe.

More Players

Follow the link below to see the full range of audio players available with the EverWeb Widgets Audio Video Theme …

Audio Players

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