ThemeKit AV

Video Gallery

MP4 - Vimeo - YouTube Gallery

The ThemeKit AV Video Gallery widget creates an image grid with optional captions which open a video and can autoplay it in a lightbox slideshow.
The video stage has the option to add a border and a title and description of the video content. These items are remove on mobile devices.
✱   The gallery can have a mix of MP4, Vimeo & YouTube
✱   The aspect ration can be changed if the videos are anything other than the standard 16:9.
✱   The video can be set to autoplay in browsers/devices that allow this function.
✱   The soundtrack can be muted to allow autoplay in those browsers that require it.
✱   The video can be looped if required.
✱   MP4 videos have the option to reset when the video ends.

Important:   Only one of these widgets can be used on a page!


Visitors will immediately distrust a website that doesn't show contact info upfont on page load. The ThemeKit AV Toolbar can be inserted anywhere in the stack of widgets or below a hero item and overlay its bottom.
The bar has a three column grid layout with options for a link, phone number/phone call icon and a spam protected email function.
The link has an SVG "contact" icon by default but this can be changed to anyone of the 100s of icons in the ThemeKit SVG Icon folder. In this case it is used as a link to the Home page.
The link can open internal or external pages and has a new window option.
The icons can be made round or can be square with a border radius.

Tel: 012 345 6789


The ThemeKit AV Navigation has an action tab to open a full size overlay with the navigation links centered horizontally and vertically. The navigation can have any amount of links which can be arranged in auto columns. When the number of links excedes the viewport height any overflow will scroll.
The links can be separated and have a background hover animation. The current page link can be displayed with a different background color.
The number of columns for any given browser/device screen width will depend on the link min width setting and the navigation maximum width.
Action Tab
The action tab is fixed at the top right. The tab displays a navigation icon on load and a close icon when it is opened. There is an option to remove the text on mobile phones in portrait mode.


The ThemeKit AV Footer widget has a three column grid layout.
The first column has a a text block, the next one has navigation links and the last column has a smooth scroll to the top function, the optional phone number/phone call function and a spam protected email function.
The copyright notice spans all the columns at the bottom and has the option to insert the copyright year automatically and update it annually.

EverWeb Widgets
200 Front Street,
G84 8AD

Tel: 012 345 6789

© EverWeb Widgets - 2025