ThemeKit AV

ThemeKit Audio Visual Article

ThemeKit AV Article

The ThemeKit AV Article has a two column grid layout. The relative widths can be adjusted and the layout switch above the breakpoint.
Below the breakpoint the text can appear above or below the image.
The article is vertically centered in the container and has a heading, text and an optional link which can open internal/ecternal links and has a new window option.
Span tags can be styled for font size and color.


AV Text

The ThemeKit AV Text widget can have one or two columns. Each column has its own controls for setting the colors.
The heading is optional in column two and both links are also optional.
The links can open internal or external pages.


Column Two

This column is showing the optional heading but not the link.
Spams can be used for sub headings. The column spans share the font size control but have their own color selector.
Span code …
<span>Span Text</span>


The ThemeKit AV Heading at the top of this page creates an h1 through h3 heading and has the option to add an SVG icon which is a link to an intternal page.


The ThemeKit AV Spacer creates a line in the center of the container. The container has adjustable height and the line's percentage width is set by a slider.
The line can be styled for height, color and style - dashed, dotted, double and solid.
Note that a double line needs a height of at least 6px.

Content Fade In

The ThemeKit Cube Content Fade In widget is inserted below this text and above the footer at a height of 20px. It allows the page content to fade in over time to give a smooth,professional on load effect.
It has controls for height, background color and opacity and animation time.
The widget can be used without the animation as an adjustable height spacer.

2024 UK Tour

January 10th
7pm - 11pm

The House of Boogie, 23 Arlington St, St Albans
Tickets: £30

January 17th
3pm - 7pm

Knightsbridge Country Club, Birmingham
Members Only

January 24th
7pm - 11pm

Murryfield Stadium - Edinburgh
Tickets: £50

January 31st
3pm - 7pm

Ibrox Stadium - Glasgow
Center Section - £50
Left/Right Sections - £20


The ThemeKit AV Events has an optional main heading and items with a two or three column grid.
The link column is optional and also has the option of using the same link text for each link or to have individual text.

Footer Bar

A more appropriate item to finish off the page content is a bar which doesn't take up much space and is a replacement for those hideous footers which mobile phone usersers destest with all that useless and hard to find info.
The info link has the option to change the icon to any other one.
Optional phone number on hover switches to a phone call function on mobile phones.
Copyright info on hover with auto year update and a spam protected email function.
Hover tap to hide phone and copyright infoon mobile devices.
The last action tan is for a smooth scroll to the top which is essential on a responsive page that will be viewed on mobile phones.
If a footer is esssential it should be compact and designed to display info clearly.
