ThemeKit Brand

Tel: 012 345 6789

ThemeKit Brand Hero Navugation
Tel: 012 345 6789

Brand Theme

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Hero c/w Navigation

The ThemeKit Brand Hero Nav widget will make the first impression of a website unique with its built in animated navigation.
The image is inserted in two size using an HTML5 <picture> element to allow an alt text attribute for ineerting keywords for the search engines and screen readers.
The images in the demo were sized to 1200 x 600px and 600 x 720px and optimised before inporting into EverWeb.
The navigation has an optional header for the navigation name and a downward pointing chevron icon.
The links have the option for an SVG prior to the link text which is followed by a right pointing chevron icon.
The links can animate in using a custom "sweep" animation which can occur on the X or the Y-axis.

Full Site Navigation

Follow the link below to see a full website overlay navigation with an active action tab which can be repositioned for the benefit of mobile device users..

Navigation Menu


Responsive Website Themes

Tel: 012 345 6787


Responsive Widgets

Tel: 012 345 6788


Theme Extension Widgets

Tel: 012 345 6789

Brand Theme

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Header & Heading

The ThemeKit Brand Header widget has a logo/link, heading and an option for a phone number which switches to a phone call function on mobile phones.
It can overlay the hero image by checking a box and setting a z-index.
The ThemeKit Brand Heading widtget creates an h1 through h3 heading with the option of an SVG icon and a CTA (call to action) style internal/extermal link.
To insert an SVG icon choose one from the 100s available in the download folder, double click it to open it in set to plain text mode. Copy the code and paste it into the SVG Code box in the widget settinngs.