Category Navigation
The category navigation is created using three widgets - Combo Cat Tab, Combo Cat Sort and the Combo Cat Nav. It can be used for a main navigation for larger websites or for linking to multiple products, slideshows etc.
Insert Position
All three widgets have fixed position so they can be inserted out of the way below the footer widget on the EverWeb design canvas.
All three widgets appear above the page content in the stacking order. If the z-index needs to be increased to hide other items on the page it MUST be increased in all three widgets by the same amount.
Action Tab
On screen widths abovr the break point the tab is inserted at the top right and has controls for positioning it on the X and the Y-axis. Below the break point the tab moves down to the center right of the tablet or phone screen to make it easier to tap for mobile device users.
The tab has controls for icon color, hover color, background color and opacity, padding and border radius. Increasing the padding reduces the relative size of the icon and vice versa.
The tab widget has the controls for the overlay animation which can fade in or slide down over time which is set in milliseconds.