EverWeb ThemeKit

Logo Heading + Phone

The header has a grid layout. It has a logo which is configured to open an internal page - usually the home page - and a centered heading.
The heading has an option to add a phone number at the right which switches to a phone icon on mobile phones.
In this case the phone number is not included to leave a clear space at the right for a navigation tab which - in this case - is the ThemeKit Flex Nav described further down the page.
The header background can be a solid color or a two color gradient with opacity sliders for each color and a selection of gradient angles.

Tel: 012-345-6789

Contact Toolbar

The toolbar has an option for a phone number which switches to a phone icon on mobile phones, a link to the contact page and a spam protected email link.
The contact link icon can be switched to a subscibe icon if required as shown in the example on this page.
The email name, domain and domain extension are entered in separate fields and a Javascritp enter the @ and the dot to prevent spammers using scraping software from harvesting the email address.

Flex Nav

The navigation opens with a slide or fade animation when the icon is clicked or tapped. It overlays the page content. The links have a flex layout which allows them to rearrange themselves in rows as the browser/device window width is reduced.
The current page can be indicated using a different color and the position of the navigation can be switched to lower down on touch devices to make it easily thumb driven.

Interactive Google Map

The map's aspect ratio can be changed and have a potrait view for mobile phone users.
The optional address block has a maximum width setting and is centered in the <article> with an optional border.

Chanber of Commerce
4 Florida Street
Vallejo CA 94590
Tel: 012-345-6789