Flex Image Gallery

Slide [1]
Image [1]
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Image [2]
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Image [3]
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Image [4]
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Image [5]
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Image [6]
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Image [7]
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Image [8]
Slife [9]
Image [9]
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Image [10]
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Image [11]
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Image [12]
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Image [13]
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Image [14]
Slide [15]
Image [15]
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Image [16]
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Image [17]
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Image [18]

ThemeKit Flex Gallery

The grid layout arranges thumbnail images with different aspect ratios into a uniform grid. The full size images are launched in a lightbox slider on click.
The slider has a slide counter, navigation arrows and grab and drag on computers and swipe on touch devices.
The grid has a maximum width setting which, in this case, is set to 1600px. The grid has contols for top/bottom and left right spacing and for setting the gap between the slide if required.
The optimum setting for any mix of thumbnail images with varying aspect ratio is achieved using the row height control.
There is a checkbox for tirning on the shuffle option. This rearranges the order of the thumbnail images every time the page is refreshed.
Lazy Loading
The slidshow can have up to 480 images. If there are more than 12 images the lazy loading function MUST be turned on to facilitate fast page download in the browser.