ThemeKit Scroll
Scroll WidgetsAnimation on scroll creates a better effect than the usual animation when in the viewport and will create a more unique visitor experience.
BannerHeroA two column gird layout like this can have a lot of variations to make it look different on each page.
In this case the image rotates in on the Y-axis with an initial scale of 0.60 and opacity 0.85. It has an initial negative translate value of 100 on the X-axis.
The translate and the rotate values are about the same as the image but are set to a negative value.
The animate on scroll widgets have some or all of these …
A fairly complex item with up to four animated items over an image in the background.
Two three or four cards each with their own controls for rotate, translate, initial opacity and scale.
Easy and convenient page step scroll and scroll to anchors from the scroll menu.
A hero item with scroll info and an image or two color gradient background.
EverWeb Widgets ThemeKit Responsive widgets use the latest advances in code and efficiency for better performance on mobile devices.
NOTE that these are responsive widgets and must NOT be inserted in the default EverWeb Responsive Row.
These up to date widgets should be used to replace EverWeb default features, older EverWeb widgets and other thrid party widgets for the best results in terms of design and page download efficiency.
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