Content Module
In this example the ThemeKit Slide Module widget is used to display a product and provides an action tab to open a lightbox slider with more images.
In this example the ThemeKit Slide Module widget is used to display a product and provides an action tab to open a lightbox slider with more images.
Tje ThemeKit Slide Lightbox widget is usefull for showing a bunch of images on click to reduce the onload content for the convenience of small mobile device users.
The images are inserted in three sizes for the various devices and are lazy loading by default.
The images used in the demo were optiomised and sized to …
The lightbox has controls for the background color and its opacity and for adding a border and/or a bottom box shadow to the slideshow stage.
The caption and the controls are in a bar below the image and share the same color and background.
The controls are at the right for visitor convenience and the caption can be align left or center.
On mobile phones, checking a box will remove the controls and center the caption if required.