ThemeKit Slide

Slide Module

ThemeKit Slide Module
Image In 2 or 3 Sizes

Content Module

The module has the option for an image inserted in two or three sizes with a caption and a lazy load option.
The article has a heading, text, styled spans and and a navigation with the acton tab(s) and the optional link.
Text Only
The widget can be used without the image as a text content module - with or without action tabs - an an optionallink
The action tab and the link share the same styles. The tab has a a chevron right icon which switches to a close icon onclick.

Image Slide Panel

The ThemeKit Slide Images widget has a sticky header with a heading, scroll down icon and the close tab.
The content items are configured as internal links with an image, heading, styled span and text. The images have the option to be lazy loaded.
The height of the slide panel can be set for editing on the EverWeb design canvas.
Before hiding the panel height is reduced to about 100px and inserted last below the footer widget out of the way.

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