switch slider

Switch Height Slider

switch slider

Optional Captions & Links

switch slider

Slide or Fade Transition

switch slider

Autoplay - Stop On Last

Responsive Switch Height Slider

Show More Image Grid

The hero image or slider is very popular as an attention grabber in modern web design. The item is full width responsive with a fixed height.
The problem is that fixed height items don't translate too well when viewed on mobile devices. Only the center portion of the image can be seen.
Switch Height
This slider overcomes the problem by having a fixed height when viewed on computers which switches to a responsive height on mobile devices.
The height is set in viewport units rather than pixels so that it will occupy the same proportion of the viewable areas height no matter what the browser window height is set to.
Viewport units are relative units so 1vh represents 1% of the height of the browser or device viewport. Using viewport units - rather than absoute units like pixels - gives a lot better viewing experience as it adjusts the viewable height of the main item to suit the vistor's browser height setting.
Height Settings
The slider height setting would normally be at least 50 vh and the maximum setting is 100vh which extends its height to fill the browser window.
There is a control for setting a minimum height. This can be used to set a minimum absolute height in pixels but is mailnly there to allow the slider to have a reasonable height for editing on the EverWeb design canvas.
At the time of writing, EverWeb does not recognise viewport units.
When viewed on computers, the navigation arrows are situated together at the bottom right. This is much more convenient for those using large screens.
When viewed on mobile devices, the arrows are positioed left and right and are vertically centered.
The arrows can be hidden on mobile devices if required where navigation can be carried out by swiping.

Slider Settings

Slider Settings

The slideshow can have either a fade or slide transition and the transition time is set in milliseconds.
Autoplay is not desirable on any web page but should never be used for sliders that will be viewed on portable devices using battery power.
If autoplay is demanded by an ignorant and unreasonable client, the slideshow can autoplay once and then stop at the last slide. The autoplay time is set in milliseconds.
When autoplay is selected, the loop function is disengaged so that play will stop when all the slides have been viewed. At this point, the visitor can naviagte back thogh the slide sequence using the "previous" arrow or by swiping on touch devices like the iPad and iPhone.
The arrows can be hidden on mobile devices and checking a box to select the appropriate break point. The break pointis the device window width at which the layout change takes place.
Cations & Links
Captions and links are turned on globally.
Captions have controls for setting the font family, fallback font, font size, color, background and opacity, top/bottom and left/right padding and border radius.
The captions can be inserted at the top or bottom of the image and the distance on the y-axis adjusted.
Links can be configured to open internal or external pages by entering an absolute or relative file path. Follow the link below to fond out about this.
The links can open in a new window if required.

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