EverWeb Widgets

Tel: 012 345 6789

Hero Skew Header

Using different shapes on the hero item helps to distinguish a web page design from all the others and creates a more memorable visitor experience.
A vertical navigation on the right hand side has proven to be much more likely to get click through to other pages than a horizontal one.
The hero image container uses two CSS pseudo elements with an adjustable skew angle to create the shape at the botttom.
The optional h1 heading is at the bottom and the navigation can be left, center or right on screenw diths above the break point.
The imge is inserted in three sizes using a <picture> element for each device type and has an alt text attribute, The image that appears on mobile phones in portrait mode has a 9:16 aspect ratio.
The image has an adjustable overlay with a CSS grid layout which has controls for background color and opacity.
The optional heading has a grid layout with two columns each with a <span> for text. The spans are turned on individually.
The navigation has controls for width and maximum height. It can have any amount of links and any overflow will scroll on computers and touch devices.
There is an option to add a scroll down chevron icon at the top right.

Business Hours


9:00 AM6:00 PM


9:00 AM6:00 PM


9:00 AM6:00 PM


9:00 AM10:00 PM


9"00 AM7:00 Pm



Opening Hours

If customers are expected to contact by phone or to visit the business premises the opening hours should be display prominently and not hidden away in the footer.


Popups can be really irritating so, if there has to be one, it should appear gracefully at the bottom of the browser/device window.
Avoid using a popup that appears in the center and has a background overlay. These are the worst!
The popup has options for an image, heading, text and an internal/external link. It can be positioned left, center or right.
The bounce up animation has controls for setting the animation time and delay in seconds.

Tel: 012 345 6789

Share Links

The share links bar has options to show a phone number/call me icon and a spam protected email function.
Clicking/tapping the centered share icon reveals the links.
The link icons are created using SVGs for better performance and quality. Each link can have a different background color.

ThemeKit RE Popup

EverWeb ThemeKit

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