ThemeKit Label Slider 1

Pepper Kebabs

Quick to prepare and cook. A tasty dish for any informal occasion …

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ThemeKit Label Slider 22

Squashy Summer Grill

A colorfull dish for a healthy midday meal using seasonal produce

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ThemeKit Label Slider 3

Dark Chocolate Squares

A rich and delicious way to round off a good dinner!

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Panel Slider

Animated Info

The full width, fixed height slider inserts three sizes of image for the various device types. The panl has a heading and text and an optional link and side border.
There are 15 animation types. The animation type is selected for each slide and the time and delay are set globally in milliseconds.
The directional arrows are at the bottom right for user convenience and have controls for the background and icon color. The arrows can be hidden on mobile devices by checking a box and selecting the break point.
The pager has controls for color and active color and can be hidden in the same way as the arrows.
The slides can be swiped on touch devices.

Show/Hide Header Nav

The widget creates a fixed header with a logo/link, h1 heading and an action tab to open the menu. It hides on scroll and appears when the scroll direction is reversed or the bottom of the page is reached.
Since its position is fixed, the header can be inserted out of the way below the footer widget on the EverWeb design canvas. When viewed in the browser it will overlay the top of the first item on the page - in this case a slider.
To prevent this insert a spacer widget with the same height as the header.
The links are in a grid with an auto layout. The number of links per row at any browser, device screen width will depend on the minimum width set for the links and the maximum width set for navigation container.
The links have controls for font size, color, hover color, current page color, background color and its opacity, padding, border radius and spacing.
The navigation links can be seen on the EverWeb design canvas for editing and then hidden prior to publishing.

ThemeKit Animation