ThemeKit Array

ThemeKit Array Hero

EverWeb Widgets

ThemeKit Array Widgets

Widgets for creating rows of items optimised for inserting in responsive web page designs.

ThemeKit Array Image Overlap
Overlap Image

ThemeKit Array

The EverWeb ThemeKit Array widgets were designed to provide an upgrade alternative to EverWeb's Flexbox widget.
EverWeb ThemeKit widgets are responsive and do NOT require the EverWeb Responsive Row. This makes them much more efficient than other default and thrid party widgets and allows for more professional design features to make a responsive web page design stand out.


    The ThemeKit Array Hero on this page allows the content vertical align to be adjusted to make space for an overlapping item below it.
    Follow the links below to see examples and descriptions of using the ThemeKit Array Overlap and the ThemeKit Array Overlap widget with the Hero.

    EverWeb ThemeKit

    The ThemeKit widgets by EverWeb Widgets are designed to perform well on responsive web pages. They are optimised for fast download performance and should be used to replace EverWeb default widgets and other third party widgets.
    The ThemeKit range includes …

    • Responsive widgets for new websites and updating older projects
    • Professional widgets with advanced styling and upgrades for creating client sites
    • Responsive website themes for both entry level and advanced EverWeb users

    More …

    Follow the slide up links below to find out more about EverWeb ThemeKit - the best widgets and design system for EverWeb web design users.

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